OA Life Assessment

Building a Better Life.

OA Life Assessment 

We recognise the need for a life balance, and living an energised, healthy, happy, fulfilled life can be a challenge. 

Which is why we have identified ten key elements that enable most people to function well and feel aligned. You can use this test to see how satisfied you are with these different aspects of your life. The assessment isn't a complete snapshot of every nuance of your life, but rather an excellent opportunity for overall self-reflection. 

Score each factor based on your agreement with each statement. Inevitably there will be both strong areas and areas that show you may want to focus and work on specific aspects of your life. 

This is a starting point. Book your first coaching session with OA Life, and we can take the conversation further to help you to: 

  1. Understand yourself and what is important to you

  2. Explore what you want to change or achieve 

  3. Be clear why you want to achieve it 

  4. Set some goals, create your plan of action and start some new habits

We will support your journey to success with coaching and digital resources so you can learn and implement with the right mindset and strategies to build the life you want. 

Improvement takes time. Be patient and persistent in your journey to the next level. Your future holds good things for you. You deserve the best life! 

OA Life Assessment

Find balance in your life and take action for making change

Become the best version of you

Together, we help you uncover what's truly important in your life and define what real success looks like for you. In the spirit of coaching, we help you close your "identity gap" between who you are and who you need to become to reach your goals.

Helping you unlock your potential and build, design and live your unique life. 

We provide coaching to equip you with the skills, tools, knowledge and wisdom to help you discover purpose, meaning, energy and balance.