Coaching helps you.

  • Identify what you don’t want in your life anymore.

  • Identify with clarity what you do want and create a compelling vision to get you there.

  • Explore your belief systems and find out what’s holding you back.

  • Discover the inner critic, the behaviours and actions that keep you stuck in a rut. Dig deep and challenge the fundamental beliefs you have about yourself.

  • Commit to taking action to overcome obstacles and build your dream life.

Be Extraordinary.

OA Life is based on the principle of creating conscious change, and we believe in living life with Confidence, Connection and Contribution. 


When you think about confidence, it’s about being the person you want to be, being your best self, playing your A-game and knowing with clarity what steps you need to take to get there.



We are energised and motivated by the relationships we have around us. When we feel connected, it’s like a positive force is lifting us up with deep intimate, vibrant, joyful connections allowing us to feel supported with the path ahead.



We all want a sense of meaning in our lives and to feel fulfilled. Our soul, our wellbeing needs a sense of purpose. We need to feel we are contributing. We’re energised. We matter. We’re making a difference.


It's a time of reckoning, a time to reset, a time to have a rethink about how you want to live your life.